Política de privacidad y aviso legal-EN

In compliance with article 5 of Law 15/1999, which regulates the right to information in the collection of data, you are informed of the following points:
The personal data that is collected from you will be incorporated into a file whose responsibility is Soqua.es. The collection of data will aim to facilitate the provision of services and / or products that Soqua.es provides through said website, as well as to provide commercial information about services and / or products that may be of interest.
The user guarantees that the personal data provided to Soqua.es are truthful and is responsible for communicating any changes thereto.
We also inform you that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition established in said Law through a letter addressed to Soqua.es, attaching a photocopy of your ID / NIE / Passport, to the following address: C / Teulada 1 03720 Benissa

The person responsible for this website is Soqua.es and registered office at C / Teulada 1 03720 Benissa
You can also contact us through the telephone number Nº 630 636 578 or through the following e-mail address: info@soqua.es

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The cookies we use DO NOT collect personal data from our users (names, surnames, address, bank details or any other).
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By using this website you consent to the processing of information about you by Soqua.es in the manner and for the purposes indicated in THE PRIVACY POLICY published on this website.
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